Now on to my thankful list:
*The weather in Huanuco. The sunshine and warm breezes that acompany me on my daily walks have helped me more than I can say in adjusting to life here and helping to stave off the loneliness, blues, and homesickness, that comes from living so far away from everything I've ever known.
* Cold Coca-Colas. Even though they apparently give you the gripe (a cold), there is still something satisfying about the familiar taste and refreshment of a good old Coke (even if it's not diet)!
*My host family. I could not have asked for a nicer, more understanding, more chill, more patient family than the Camarenas. I'm lucky to have a host dad who is always willing to help me out, whether it's telling me safe routes to and from work or coming with me to a visit a new church because I had never been there before. My host mom, not only prepares delicious peruvian dishes every breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but she does so usually after spending all day either volunteering at Paz y Esperanza or the church. And my host sister is my guide to Peruvian culture, my spanish language teacher, and my newest friend. Everyday I thank God that they've been put in my life and I know that they are big reason I'm adjusting to and loving my life here in Huanuco.
*The people at Paz y Eperanza. As I'm slowing making relationships with the people I work with I am realizing what truely amazing people they all are. Just the fact that they at Paz y Esperanza, working to educate and save women and children from truly horrifying situations, working tirelessly to give voices to those who in their society have none, says so much about their characters. And everyday they inspire me; inspire me to work on my spanish so I can better communicate, inspire me to listen and to educate myself, and inspire me to do whatever I can to contribute to the work at Paz, even if that means handing out refreshments or dressing up in a guinea pig costume.
*Nap time at lunch. Maybe because my mind get such a work out from listening to and trying to speak spanish but still having to translate in my head, but every week day after lunch I get a chance to take about 45 min to an hour nap before I have to head back to work (lunch break is from 1 until 3 in the afternoon). It's become such a relaxing little ritual for me to just shut down for a good hour and let my body and my mind take a break so I can get through the rest of the day.
*Skype. Definitely one of the better inventions in recent years. Being so far away from has been made that much better by the fact that I still get to regularly communicate and even see my family and friends. I even think it's made some of my relationships stronger by the fact that since I am so far and am making an intention effort to communicate as a result we not only talk about what's going on in our everyday lives but we have meaningful conversations as well, and that's definitely a wonderful and unexpected blessing.
*My YAV friends and our fearless Coordinator. Sarah, Anna, Joe, Ginna, and Alissa, as well as Debbie and Harry. So many words, only so much blog space. In such a short amount of time these people have really become my second family here. From the silly text messages to the long rambling emails to the nights in Lima partaking in a indulgence or two or three or "floor".... ;) the support, solidarity, and love that I've recieved from you all is more than I can possibly repay, so THANK YOU!!!!
Good food, good friends, and good times!
*My experience here. Everyday that I'm here I'm realizing more and more, how lucky and blessed I am that I even get to be here and see the things I'm seeing and do the things that I am doing. I mean how many other people get to travel and try and live out their dreams or even figure out what those dreams are and do so in such a beautiful country. Some times I can barely believe I've been here for over 3 months and I can't wait to see what the rest of year has in store for me.
*Of course I am so greatful to all the congregations, family, and friends back home who have been following me and supporting me with your kind words and prayers. Keep them coming guys and THANKS!!!
*There are so many other things, back in the states that I'm greatful for, everything that I've been blessed with. But that's not what this year is about. Seeing what I have and what others have not, it's about learning and experiencing so that we can all live free and dignified lives, lives we were intended by our Heavenly Father to live.
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